Over the last few years, I’ve come to believe that few topics are as interesting as ethics. As a practitioner of what some would consider highly unethical simply because I sometimes touch clients, it’s become essential for me to excavate my own ethics.
Ethics cannot be covered by a list of rules to follow. The lists of rules cover some basic things, but what about the moment-to-moment decisions that are not governed by any particular code of ethics or conduct? What is ethical to do with one client could be highly unethical with another.
To help me navigate this terrain, I engage in monthly (at least) supervision with an elder in Somatic Sex education with an agreement that I bring anything forward that feels like a potential rupture with a client. This has been and continues to be some of the most growthful work I’ve engaged in.
I’m also a member of the Association of Certified Sexological Bodyworkers, and I currently serve as the chair of the Ethics Committee (meaning I’m a part of the team who is ongoingly developing and shaping and reshaping the codes of ethics and conduct for sexological bodywork) and I’m a member of the Grievance Council.
You can read more about the Codes of Ethics and Conduct for Sexological Bodywork here.
If you have questions about my ethics I am happy to answer them. If you feel I have broken a code of ethics and you don’t feel comfortable talking with me, please submit your concern via the ACSB. Even though I am on the committees that work with grievances, I would of course not be a part of any grievance brought about me.