Simple Sex
Cultivate Connection, Communication, & Pleasure in Partnership
Most of us think we’re supposed to be good at sex and relationship with little to no guidance or instruction.
“Real love should just show us the way.”
“Sex should just be natural and easy.”
“A good relationship shouldn’t take any work.”
Yet if we step back for a moment we can see how ridiculous these ideas really are. No one would say this about skiing, or opening a business, or driving a car, or even parenting – at least not if they want to be any good at these things.
Instinct alone does not make you a good lover.
Focusing on intercourse and orgasm can ruin the rest of sex.
A lack of attraction or chemistry doesn’t mean your relationship is broken or ending.
You don’t have to resign yourself to unsatisfying sex and intimacy.
Fixing all of the other challenges in your relationship isn’t going to fix your sexual relationship.
If you have a great relationship, sex isn’t just going to fall into place – or stay great without any effort or attention.
Rather than going it alone, you need tools, training, and resources to help you know what you want, talk about what you want, and express yourself when you’re getting it – or not getting it. This is as true for new couples as it is for the ones who have been in a decades-long relationship.
And even if you’re having great sex, knowing why you have great sex can help to make it even better and keep it going. After all, it’s not just about chemistry or luck!

In this 10-week, online class, you’ll come away with:
Tools and practices that you can use and come back to to unfold and deepen your pleasure for years to come
Freedom from stories and scripts that are limiting your experience of sex and pleasure
A growth mindset for your sexual relationship
Resources that you can come back to again and again to support your sex and your relationship
Ways to touch and communicate that lead to more pleasure and connection
A complete understanding of the Science of Sex and how arousal works
More possibilities for pleasure and play
Ways to create a solid container for sex so you can co-create erotic contexts that allow more pleasure, connection, and fun to happen
This class is experiential — meaning you will be doing practices and experiments, not only talking or learning about things. This is essential! Cognitive understanding will only get you so far. You must move things from your mind and into your lived, embodied, moment-to-moment experience.
Course Format
Weekly Videos
You’ll have a video to watch every week for 10 weeks, but you can go at your pace.
Each video will contain practices and experiments for you to engage in with your partner.
They are all downloadable so you can have access forever if you want it.
Bonus Videos:
(all downloadable)
Female Anatomy of Arousal and Touch
Male Anatomy of Arousal and Touch
Anal Anatomy and Touch
Interviews with couples who are navigating intimacy and sex in their long-term relationship
All genders and orientations welcome.
We’ll dive into:
We think we’re supposed to magically know what our partner wants, or always know exactly what we want, and be able to communicate that directly and swiftly to our partner. Learn how to drop both of those expectations and learn to work together to find and follow what feels good for both of you.
We are loaded up with stories and assumptions about sex. They are the water we are swimming in, and rarely are they helpful. I’ll give you some simple processes to use to identify your stories, scripts, and triggers around sex, and ways that you can get out of them and into more inspiring ones.
With many couples, simply getting into a sexy mindset together is a huge hurdle. Learn ways to engineer the set and setting that allows for the brakes to come off so that your desire and arousal can arise.
Attachment plays a big role in how we navigate our intimate relationships. And consent is so much more than asking, “is this okay?” We’ll dive into how to listen to your nervous system and grow your capacity for a range of experiences, in and out of the bedroom.
Technically, no! And, the practices will be difficult/impossible to do if you don’t have someone to practice with. However, you could practice with a friend or download the videos so that once you are in an intimate relationship, you have the tools available for you.
If reading everything above is eliciting a response in your body – warmth, sweat, rush, tingle, buzz – tune in, and listen. You might get an answer. You could be feeling fear, excitement, a lean in, a repulsion. Any and all of those are possible signs that it’s a good fit and that now is the time. I believe that every couple – and every individual – would get a lot out of this program.
I offer a 50% refund for 72-hrs after purchase, no questions asked. After that, no refunds will be granted.
Email me at alyssa@thiseroticlife.org, and we’ll go from there.