A Free Video Series
We are told that women’s sexuality is mysterious and mercurial. That female pleasure is more difficult to access and takes more time and attention to come online.
As with all stories and stereotypes, there is a kernel of truth here. In my personal experience and in my work with clients, it feels fair to say that generally speaking, female bodies are less predictable and more varied than male bodies when it comes to sexual response.
That being said, the fact that most women know very little about their anatomy of arousal is a serious contributing factor to the shroud of mystery that surrounds female sexual response. We are told so many things about our bodies, our pleasure, and our sexuality, but we are not given the basic roadmap of our anatomy of arousal.
This is why I’m giving you 6 videos on female anatomy of arousal. Because I believe you have a right to know this basic information about your body.
These videos will go beyond maps and diagrams because simply cognitively knowing your anatomy will only get you so far. The map, you see, is not the territory. In the videos, I will also invite you into practices and experiments so that you can take what you are learning on screen and bring it into your body.
These videos are oriented toward female bodies. That being said, lovers of female bodies will learn plenty from them as well. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join.

You’ll receive:
6 downloadable videos and audios, chock full of information and practices
Downloadable pdfs of slides, diagrams, and practices
An understanding of your anatomy of arousal that you can use as a starting off point to access more sensation, pleasure, and arousal
Most of us learn the basics in health class or biology: labia, clitoris, urethra, etc. But few know that waiting just below the surface is a whole complex of erectile tissue that when activated, can lead to all kinds of sensation and pleasure. I’ll also share a list of different ways that you can touch yourself to access it all.
Yes, the G-Spot gets its very own video. Why? Because there is more incorrect and contradictory information out there about this part of female arousal anatomy than any other part. Let’s clear a few things up right away: It does exist, and it’s bigger than a spot. I can’t tell you what kind of sensation you’ll experience with it, but I can show you where to start your explorations.
The cervix. A-Spot. P-Spot. Perineal sponge. There’s a whole world inside of you. Ready and waiting to be explored. Just remember: the map is not the territory. I’ll show you some options, but you have to actually get in there and discover what’s true in your body.