exploring eros: podcast interview

It’s been quite a while since I’ve shared anything here. The last year has been a whirlwind of clients, moving, reorienting my life to writing, building deeper connection with my family, and falling madly in love. It’s been the kind of year where I feel like I’m barely holding on to a fast-spinning merry-go-round, just trying to not fall off. In a good way.

I have grand plans to start sharing something here every month with something: an invitation, a bit of writing, some poetry, an insight into sex, pleasure, and relationships. The nature of me is that structure can be equal parts helpful and maddening. Not enough and things leak out into a big blob. Too much and I rebel. We all have our own version of this dance, so I know I’m not alone. As such, I’m holding this intention for monthly emails lightly.

I figured, what better time to start this than the beginning of spring? SO, without further ado, a tid-bit for you:

Podcast Interview:

Over the last decade or so, I’ve transitioned from being a serious introvert to a burgeoning extrovert. I will never be the life of the party, and it’s still unlikely that I will introduce myself to someone. But I have learned that thinking out loud with another person there to reflect and ask you questions can be a delightful and generative way to learn about what I know to be true.

That’s exactly what happened in this podcast interview. Amiee and Alexis’ questions pushed me to dig deep into myself and this thing I call my work. We talked about belonging, eros, sex education for kids, writing, pleasure, sex magic, and more.

You can listen here, and watch the YouTube recording here (fun fact: I didn’t realize we were recording video, so there might be some interesting facial expressions).


revelatory, expressive writing


growth and sex are not linear